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At Lakshmi Dental Health Care, our staff endeavors to help you understand your oral health and to answer every dental question you have. We’ve compiled a few of the most commonly asked questions below, so feel free to browse our list to learn more about oral health.

Why is visiting the dentist so important?

Visiting the dentist regularly will not only help keep your teeth and mouth healthy, but will also help keep the rest of your body healthy. Dental care is important because it:

  • Helps prevent tooth decay
  • Protects against periodontal (gum) disease, which can lead to bone and tooth loss
  • Prevents bad breath – brushing, flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly will help reduce the amount of bad-breath causing bacteria in your mouth
  • Gives you a more attractive smile and increases your self-confidence
  • Helps keep teeth looking bright by preventing them from becoming stained by food, drinks, and tobacco
  • Strengthens your teeth so that you can enjoy healthy, beautiful smiles for the rest of your life!

What is considered a dental emergency?

  • A knocked-out tooth, or any injury to the teeth or soft tissues of the mouth, is a dental emergency.
  • Tooth pain and abscesses can worsen quickly and spread, so they also require immediate care.
  • If you lose a restoration like a filling or a crown, the part of the tooth that is no longer protected by enamel is very vulnerable to infection and needs to be repaired right away.
  • Partially dislodged tooth

Please come to Lakshmi Dental Health Care, and we will take care of you right away!

How can I prevent cavities?

Even if you follow a regular brushing schedule and avoid sugary treats like sodas and candy, you can still develop a cavity.  We recommend that you should avoid snacking through the day and that you should always brush after meals to prevent food particles form clinging to your teeth for long periods.

We also suggest our patients to floss daily and use a fluoride solution for extra protection from cavities. Sometimes cavities form between teeth in areas that can only be cleaned with dental floss.

Fluoride solutions will strengthen the tooth enamel and help in remineralisation.  You should also schedule an appointment at our dental clinic once in every 6 months for maximum protection against cavities.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Most people will experience some level of tooth sensitivity in their lives. This sensitivity can have several causes that your dentist can help you narrow down and alleviate. One possible source of tooth sensitivity is the development of tiny fractures in your teeth or areas of decay. Gum disease or gum recession is another common source of tooth sensitivity in patients. If your teeth’s roots become exposed, you may also experience severe sensitivity. Grinding your teeth at night, also called bruxism, can also cause sensitivity in patients.

Does your clinic offer cosmetic dentistry?

Yes! Lakshmi Dental Health Care offers the latest cosmetic dental treatments, including Invisalign® clear braces and porcelain veneers. For over 24 years, we’ve helped patients improve the appearance of their smiles. Cosmetic treatments, friendly service, and a conservative approach are cornerstones of our dental practice. Call today for your consultation!

Does the dentist place dental implants?

Yes, DR.VR.Peri have received advanced training in dental implant placement. This means that instead of visiting an oral surgeon for part of your care, you can rely on our office for all phases of implant treatment. Our dentist are dedicated to bringing you the latest treatments and implant dentistry is just one way we show our commitment to stay on the leading edge of dental care.

What are alternatives to metal braces?

Most adults who want straighter teeth shy away from metal braces. The good news is that we offer several alternatives to traditional orthodontics.

Invisalign is an extremely popular alternative that involves clear, virtually invisible aligners molded to the contours of your teeth. These aligners are removable and can correct everything from crowding to overbites. A typical Invisalign treatment will take between 12 and 18 months. After an exam and consultation, we can help you determine which solutions are right for your smile.

What causes bad breath?

You may occasionally experience bad breath. It can be caused by certain foods, poor oral hygiene, gum disease, dry mouth, tobacco products or a medical disorder. Sometimes a sinus infection, postnasal drip or other respiratory tract infections can cause bad breath. If bad breath persists, your dentist may determine whether it’s caused by a dental condition.

When should I change my toothbrush?

Your toothbrush will eventually wear out, especially if you are brushing your teeth twice times a day for 2-3 minutes each time. Your dentist recommends that adults and children should change their toothbrush every three months.  After brushing, rinse your toothbrush with hot water to kill germs and keep the bristles clean. If you’ve been sick, be sure to change your toothbrush as soon as possible.

What if gum disease goes untreated?

Gum disease develops painlessly so you would not notice its damage. Sometimes, more active bacteria make your gums sore. Gum infection can lead to gum abscesses (gumboil), and pus may ooze from around the teeth. You can lose the bone supporting the teeth if the disease is left untreated for long.

When are the primary teeth replaced by permanent teeth in children?

From age six to twelve, milk teeth or primary teeth in children are replaced with permanent teeth. The primary teeth are twenty in number which are eventually replaced by 32 permanent teeth. During this phase, parents should take particular care in monitoring the alignment of the new teeth.

Why do babies get cavities and what should I do to avoid my child getting them?

Tooth cavity or tooth decay is caused due to bacterial infection. Avoid excessive sugary food products for kids and ensure they know how to clean their teeth and gums properly.

Do all wisdom teeth have to be removed?

No. Wisdom teeth need to be removed only under the following circumstances:

  • When teeth have not erupted naturally and have partly emerged, leading to discomfort.
  • Wisdom tooth has not erupted from the gum and is pushing against existing teeth, leading to pain.

Can dental veneers improve a person’s smile?

In this procedure, a patient’s teeth are cleaned of stains or cavities if they exist and given a thin layer or veneer of porcelain over the teeth. This generally comprises of outlays, inlays and overlays to keep the teeth sparkling.


My teeth are straight but I have a noticeable cross-bite. Can Invisalign help me?

Just like traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are able to treat all sorts of problems, including:

  • Gaps
  • Overcrowding
  • Cross-bites
  • Overbites
  • Under-bites

Do Invisalign braces hurt?

Invisalign braces are less likely to cut your mouth than metal braces. However, changing aligners may be slightly uncomfortable. The good news is that when you have a new aligner, you are one step closer to a stunning smile.

Is the treatment costly?

You may be left thinking that Invisalign braces are much more expensive . Our dentists will provide you with an exact price for your treatment after your first appointment.

Are Invisalign braces available in Lakshmi Dental Health Care?

Yes!  All you have to do is contact our staff to book an appointment for Invisalign braces!

Gum Disease

I don’t have cavities so I don’t have gum disease?????

Being cavity-free doesn’t ensure you are in the clear where gum disease is concerned. That’s because gum disease is painless and many people have no idea they have it. Gums that bleed easily or are red, swollen or tender is a sign of gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease and the only stage that is reversible. When caught early gingivitis can usually be eliminated by a professional cleaning at the dental office, followed by daily brushing and flossing.

Having gum disease means I will lose the teeth????

Not so! You don’t have to lose any of your teeth to gum disease if you practice good oral hygiene. That means brushing your teeth twice a day, cleaning between your teeth daily, eating a healthy diet, and scheduling regular dental visits. Even if you are diagnosed with gum disease, your dentist can design a treatment plan to help you keep it under control.

Remember: You don’t have to lose teeth to gum disease. Brush your teeth twice a day, clean between your teeth daily, eat a balanced diet, and schedule regular dental visits for a lifetime of healthy smiles.


When should I take my child to the dentist?

It is recommended that children should go to the dentist with their parents as soon as possible. You should then take them regularly, as often as your dentist recommends. This will let them get used to the noises, smells and surroundings and prepare them for future visits. The earlier these visits begin, the more relaxed the children will be.

First trip to the dentist:

Bringing your child for their first trip to the dentist by their first birthday is a good rule of thumb to help introduce good oral health and hygiene habits. In some circumstances, early diagnosis may be made of oral disease, developmental tooth defects or perhaps missing or unusual shaped teeth. All children should attend their dentist one to two times per year for regular check-ups; this way if anything does develop it is caught early so is easier to manage.

Good habits last a lifetime

Looking after your children’s teeth is vital to ensure they develop a healthy dental regime that will last them into adulthood.

Even though your child does not have teeth until they are about six months of age, we recommend that you clean their gums with a soft cloth.

And as soon as your baby’s first primary or ‘milk’ teeth appear, you should start brushing them. With the first teeth erupting between six and 12 months, our advice is to get your child used to a cleaning routine. Use a clean cloth or a soft toothbrush with tap water to clean the new teeth and gums. Toothpaste is not recommended until your child is two years old, when they should use a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste. First thing in the morning and last thing at night are the ideal cleaning times. Try to make a game of it. Generally, kids under the age of six should be helped with brushing, which should last for two to three minutes. We can demonstrate this at their visit.

When the first teeth start to come through, try using a children’s toothbrush with a small smear of toothpaste.  It is important to supervise your child’s brushing until they are at least seven.  Once all the teeth have come through, use a small-headed soft toothbrush in small circular movements and try to concentrate on one section at a time.  Don’t forget to brush gently behind the teeth and onto the gums.  If possible make tooth brushing a routine; preferably in the morning, and last thing before your child goes to bed. Remember to encourage your child, as praise will often get results

Why do children get irritable when they are teething?

When children start teething they get irritable and may experience signs like drooling, restlessness, loss of appetite etc. If your child shows such sign, they need to be assessed by your doctor. Use cold or frozen rubber teething ring to comfort your child as they try to chew anything during teething.

Which toothpaste should I use for Kids?

Toothpaste is a foaming agent, help to clean all the plaque and food remnants. Dentist recommends fluoridated toothpaste to use for cleaning your kid’s teeth.

What is the right method of brushing?

Brushing and flossing mean maintaining oral hygiene and it can only be achieved by proper and methodical brushing of teeth. Proper brushing technique cleans away the plaque, food accumulation and keeps the breath fresh if done at least twice a day. Use fluoridated toothpaste which makes the enamel more resistant to bacterial attack responsible for decay. Use a soft bristle toothbrush with an angle of 45 degrees in a circular motion starting from back teeth to the front followed by inner part of the teeth.

Also, don’t forget to replace your toothbrush for every 3-4 months as soon as the bristles are frayed or for best results.

Babies without teeth need any dental care?

Off course, clean the baby’s mouth and gums and tongue with a wet clean cloth also feed them water after every meal to assure their mouth is free of any food remnants.