Lakshmi Dental Health Care offers high quality and comprehensive dental care for infants, children and young adults.
At Lakshmi Dental Health Care, we believe that preventive dentistry and good dental hygiene habits can go a long way in keeping children’s teeth healthy for the rest of their lives. We emphasize on starting dental check –ups for toddlers, keeping regular visits a must and detecting dental problems early so as to minimize the intervention required. Our experts make the dental experience for children friendly and pain free.
During regular visits Dr.Peri will assess the growth pattern of the child’s jaw and teeth and suggest interceptive orthodontics wherever necessary.
What does it mean?
“Teething” is the process in which teeth start to erupt into the mouth. Usually this occurs around 6 months of age. The two lower central incisors are generally the first to arrive. Although this is an exciting milestone, teething can be accompanied by classic symptoms such as irritability, excessive drooling, constant biting of objects, and sore gums. Low grade fevers may also be attributed to teething.
How do I soothe sore gums?
Cold Pressure often helps to alleviate symptoms of teething. A teething ring or a clean dish cloth wet with cold water for babies to chew or bite on often does the trick. Topical over-the-counter anaesthetic gels are not recommended.

Primary Teeth
Teething, the process of baby (primary) teeth coming through the gums into the mouth, is variable among individual babies. Some babies get their teeth early and some get them late. In general the first baby teeth are usually the lower front (anterior) teeth and usually begin erupting between the age of 6-8 months.
Children’s teeth begin forming before birth. As early as 4 months, the first primary (or baby) teeth to erupt through the gums are the lower central incisors, followed closely by the upper central incisors. Although all 20 primary teeth usually appear by age 3, the pace and order of their eruption varies.
Permanent Teeth
Permanent teeth begin appearing around age 6, starting with the first molars and lower central incisors. This process continues from childhood into early adolescence. By the time kids turn age 13 to 14 most adult teeth should be present in the mouth. Teens and Adults have 28 permanent teeth, or up to 32 including the third molars (or wisdom teeth)
What are sealants?
Sealants are a safe and painless way or protecting your teeth from decay. A sealant is a protective plastic coating, which is applied to the biting surfaces of the back teeth. The sealant forms a hard shield that keeps food and bacteria from getting into the tiny grooves in the teeth and causing decay.

What is involved?
The process is usually quick and straightforward taking only a few minutes per tooth. The tooth is thoroughly cleaned, prepared with a special solution, and dried. The liquid sealant is then applied and allowed to set hard – usually by shining a bright light onto it. It is totally pain free.
How long do pit and fissure sealants last?
Sealants usually last for many years, but your dentist will want to check them regularly to make sure that the seal is still intact. They can wear over time, and sometimes the dentist needs to add or replace some sealant to be sure that no decay can start underneath them.
Fillings: Decay can be caused due to a multitude of reasons such as improper maintenance, tooth position, diet habits etc. Once decayed the tooth can be treated using a suitable filling material to replace the lost portion of the tooth
Root Canal Treatment: If the tooth has extensive damage, a root canal treatment and/or a crown may be advised. This will help eradicate the deep infection of the tooth and help save the tooth to perform all its functions.
Extraction: Sometimes if the tooth is not salvageable and is damaged beyond repair, an extraction may be advised. The extractions are done under local anesthesia and we pride ourselves in expert pain control and virtually painless extractions making it a comfortable experience for children.
These are devices used to maintain the space of a prematurely lost or extracted primary tooth until its permanent tooth is ready for eruption in its place

Injuries or trauma to teeth, mouth and face of infants and children occur frequently and should not be ignored even in the absence of pain or bleeding. Early observation and treatment of such injuries determines the success of treatment rendered to a great extent.
Special children are very susceptible to dental decay, trauma and gum disease due to a multitude of reasons such as their diet, limited motor abilities, medications, challenges posed for regular hygiene maintenance, etc. Prevention of these problems is possible, if the parents and the dentist can work as a team.
It is recommended that all children get a regular check-up no later than age 7.
Here’s Why:
A dentist can spot subtle problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth while some baby teeth are still present.
While your child’s teeth may appear to be straight, there could be a problem that only an orthodontist can detect.
A check-up may reveal that your child’s bite is fine or may identify a developing problem but recommend monitoring the child’s growth and development, and then, if indicated, begin treatment at the appropriate time for the child.
Early treatment may prevent or intercept more serious problems from developing and may make treatment at a later age shorter and less complicated. In some cases, the dentist will be able to achieve results that may not be possible once the face and jaws have finished growing.
Early treatment may give your dentist the chance to:
– Guide jaw growth
– Lower the risk of trauma to protruded front teeth
– Correct harmful oral habits
– Improve appearance
– Guide permanent teeth into a more favorable position
– Create a more pleasing arrangement of teeth, lips and face
Through an early orthodontic evaluation, you’ll be giving your child the best opportunity for a healthy, beautiful smile.
If your child is older than 7, it’s certainly not too late for a check-up. Because patients differ in both physiological development and treatment needs, the dentist’s goal is to provide each patient with the most appropriate treatment at the most appropriate time.
If you notice any of the following in your child, check with your dentist:
- Early or late loss of baby teeth
- Difficulty in chewing or biting
- Mouth breathing
- Jaws that shift or make sounds
- Speech difficulties
- Biting the cheek or the roof of the mouth
- Facial imbalance
- Grinding or clenching of the teeth
Final treatment decisions should be made betwwen the parent and the dentist. Please contact us to schedule a convenient appointment.
A lot of parents ask questions such as when is the best time to start taking kids to the dentist and how to encourage them to brush, and do it correctly..
We’ve compiled a list of our top tips:
Bring them along as soon as they get their first teeth. It’s good to get them into the habit from a young age so they’re not so apprehensive later on.
Bring small children with you to one of your appointments if possible. They can meet the dentist and get used to the surroundings
A great number of adults have a fear of the dentist. Don’t talk about your fears or previous unpleasant experiences in front of little ones. It’s amazing what information they pick up without you realizing. If you are relaxed and happy about attending the clinic then they will be too. Try to make it an enjoyable experience as much as possible.
Children up to the age of around 7 are more than likely unable to brush their teeth properly. If you are concerned that your child does not do it correctly or for long enough then do it for them. Try sitting them on your lap facing away from you. Hold their chin gently and brush in gentle circular motions over every tooth surface for at least 2 minutes. Try brushing for 30 seconds top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right. . This should ideally be done twice daily.
Encourage your bigger children to come for an examination every year. It’s important that teeth and gums are regularly checked especially if they are eating and drinking sweet stuff.
Encourage your children to drink water and milk. If you don’t buy fizzy drinks then they can’t drink them (at home at least). Be strong and say “no” when in supermarkets. They’ll thank you for it when they’re older. A treat every once in a while is of course ok! Limit sugary and sticky snacks where possible.
The key is to get them into good habits from as early as possible.
If you want advice about any of this, we’re happy to give you some advice. Don’t be embarrassed to ask.